One of the only places online where you can find information and demonstration of Pattabhi Jois’ original Advanced A yoga sequence from 1974
7 CommentsEscaping Saṃsāra Podcast Posts
Anthony “Prem” Carlisi has been practicing and teaching Ashtanga yoga for over 40 years. He learned directly from Pattabhi Jois in 1978 for several months in Southern California. In 1979,…
5 CommentsIn this episdoe we talk to Oliver Crossley from Yogic Physio. Oliver is a Registered Physiotherapist, Yoga and Meditation Teacher. He is a long-term practitioner of Zen Buddhism, Ashtanga Vinyasa…
Leave a CommentThe shrine has a mosque-like roof, white as a meringue. People, some in robes, walk in-between evergreen trees laden with jackfruit. It’s the rainy season in Bangladesh and everything is…
Leave a CommentAjahn Achalo an Australian buddhist monk and current abbot of Anandagiri Forest Monastery in North Thailand. He was born in Brisbane and ordained in the lineage of Ajahn Chah in…
9 CommentsFrom Ferguson to New York, and from Germany and South Africa to Australia and Brazil, Lisa Sharon Harper leads trainings that increase clergy and community leaders’ capacity to organize people…
Leave a CommentOn this episode we talk to Ajahan Succito a british-born Buddhist monk and former abbot of Cittaviveka monestry in the UK. I became aware of Ajahn Succito when my teacher…
Leave a CommentTo us Monica is an embodiment of the yogic way of living. With around 40 years of spiritual practice she is also a Doctor of Chiropractic , Yoga Therapist and…
6 CommentsMark Togni is a Zen monk, advanced Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga practitioner and teacher. In this geeky interview Mark shared with us his insights on intersection of great amount of different…
4 CommentsLorraine Cavanagh is an Anglican priest, theologian and a sincere practitioner of Christian path. Her journey is about cultivating and helping others to establish personal relationship with God, outside of…