Last updated on 25/02/2023
Phil Mistlberger is an explorer of world’s philosophic and esoteric traditions, transpersonal therapist, international seminar and workshop facilitator, and author with over thirty years of experience. Phil has written 7 books looking from different angles on wide variety of teachings and teachers. He has co-founded and founded schools and communities of inner work like Samurai Brotherhood, and traveled around the world to study and teach numerous courses and workshops.
Show notes
- Spiritual experiences and Perennial philosophy
- Moving from one tradition to another
- 21st century destructed mind’s dark night of the soul problem
- 3 Dangerous Magi
- On Aleister Crowley
- Studying with Osho
- Benefits of releasing generational rage and guilt
- On addiction, ethics and generational context
- Premature teaching
- On conditioned culture, autonomy and reality tunnels
- Encounter work and men groups
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