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Nicky Knoff – Be Here Now

Last updated on 22/11/2022

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Nicky Knoff has an incredible life story and a yoga journey that stretches over more than 50 years. Being 82 at the time when we recorded this interview, she is vibrant, full of life and excited about teaching yoga to her students. Nicky shares the story of her life with us – from growing up in a prisoner’s camp in Indonesia, discovering yoga and meeting many inspirational teachers to her philosophy and approach to teaching that aims to integrate higher limbs of yoga in a holistic and balanced practice.

Show notes

  • Be here now – Nicky’s childhood memories of prisoner’s camp in Indonesia
  • Discovering yoga by observing its fruits in a close friend
  • Bikram Choudhury, BKS Iyengar, Desikachar and S. N. Goenka
  • Why students are discouraged from doing yoga during Goenka retreats?a
  • How Vipassana and Yoga help us confront the same issues in a synergistic way
  • Nicky’s Pranayama practice
  • Pranayama as integral part of asana practice and how Ujayi can help during labor
  • Ashtanga sequencing and lack of attention to Pranayama in traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa way of teaching
  • What is to consider when designing your own asana and pranayama routine
  • Difference in breathing patterns and their effects as taught by Desikachar, BKS Iyengar and Pathabi Jois
  • Teaching main objective to focus on when teaching people with PTSD
  • Nicky’s approach to integration of higher limbs in her teaching to offer balanced yoga practice

You can learn more about Nicky’s teaching and access many valuable materials at

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