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Russell Case: Yoga Raconteur

Last updated on 16/05/2023

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A little Ashtanga episode for your ear holes! Nothing I like better than a fine and geeky Ashtanga-based chat and what a privilege to do so with the raconteur himself, Russell Case.

Russell has been practicing and teaching Ashtanga yoga for more than 25 years. A humble and refined teacher, he was given Authorization by Pattabhi Jois in 2005. Case is known for his joking spirit, and his perpetual eye toward social justice work. When Pattabhi Jois invited him to his pranayama class in 2007, he considered this distinction to be the highest grade. 

Russell co-hosts the Finding Harmony Podcast with Harmony Slater which is one of my favourite yoga podcasts and if you like Ashtanga you should check them out

Russell Case on Escaping Samsara
Russell Case on Escaping Samsara


  1. Anon
    Anon 25/03/2022

    great talk, both of you, really enjoyed this one!

  2. angelo
    angelo 28/08/2022

    how can I listen this ? having some issues finding you on spotify

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