Last updated on 29/02/2024
The latest bookclub episode from Escaping Samsara podcast. This time Nathan is joined by Oliver Crossley A.K.A the Yogic Physio (@yogicphysio on Instagram) to discuss Christopher Wallis’ book “Near Enemies of the Truth.”
Join us as we dissect key themes, share reflections, and discuss Wallis’ take on watered down spirituality and lame platitudes.
Whether you’re reading along for the first time or revisiting the book with fresh eyes, this episode is a thought-provoking exploration of what it means to truly seek a the Truth.
From the book’s description:
Have you ever been told, “You create your own reality”? Have you been encouraged to “be your best self” or “follow your bliss”? Nowadays these slogans are everywhere, but what if they’re doing more harm than good? After over thirty years as a scholar-practitioner of meditation and Tantric philosophy, acclaimed author Christopher Wallis (also known as Hareesh) explores the most widespread distortions of spiritual teachings present in our world today. Rooted in the Asian wisdom traditions, Wallis’s book uncovers why these oft-heard platitudes are “near enemies” to the truth, often detour us off the spiritual path, and can even cause unnecessary suffering.
Find out more about Near Enemies of the Truth here
Oliver Crossley

Oliver Crossley is a Registered Physiotherapist, Yoga and Meditation Teacher. He founded Yogic Physio to bring the ancient yogic practices into the modern world of musculoskeletal rehabilitation, and the person centred, scientific rigour of modern musculoskeletal care into Yoga and Movement culture.
Oliver is a passionate proponent of person-centred, evidence-based rehabilitation and loves helping people get back to moving at their best. He is a long-term practitioner of Zen Buddhism, Ashtanga Vinyasa and Vinyasa Krama Yoga in the tradition of Krishnamacharya.
Oliver has a personal interest in integrative holistic physiotherapy that combines interoceptive/mindfulness practices, with manual therapy and exercise programming to achieve the wellness goals of each individual. He has a particular interest in neck, lower back pain.
The study, Olly mentioned in the episode:
Cessations of consciousness in meditation: Advancing a scientific understanding of nirodha samāpatti