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Sex, Rajas, and The Yogic Body as Applied to Women, with Tova Olsson (Episode 2/2)

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This our final episode in our exploration of sex, bindu, rajas, and Brahmacharya and the second of two episodes looking at female practitioners especially.

We are joined by Tova Olsson, a scholar of religion, author, and yoga teacher with over 20 years of experience in education.

We discuss:

  • The reproductive model of the yogic body vs Kundalini models
  • How Tantra relates to methods of conserving vital energies
  • How female practitioners can understand sexual continence in spiritual practice

Tova Olsson

She holds a MA in Religious Studies and is currently working on her PhD, researching the construction of gender in contemporary tantra in Europe. She is the author of the book “Yoga and Tantra: history, philosophy and mythology” and runs the online school Saraswati-Studies, where she strives to combine an academic, critical understanding with the experience of a long-term practitioner, joining devotion and discernment.

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